First off. A big thanks to all of you who come here to visit and Merry Christmas to all of you, hope you all are safe and warm. Before we go any future let’s get into some Christmas spirit with some music, for this year I’ve have made a few updates on my Christmas music playlist on YouTube, (Click here).
Like me, many of our readers here at Pure Thunder Racing miss our dear friend and colleague PattyKey Lilley. Without her invaluable help at the startup of this site it wouldn’t be here today. As its Christmas Day today, I will bring forward her Christmas Story from the edit I made last year hoping to make it a Tradition here: The Christmas Story My Mother Told – Pure Thunder Racing
Befor I return to the Christmas duties I want to thank you all for visit here AND also my Friends and contributors here at PTR
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you for this one!
Merry Christmas. Today I celebrate the birth of my Lord. Patty Kay made it so easy and personal. I love this one by her and miss her a lot.
Stay Safe, My Friend, and Merry Christmas to you and your Family.
Thank you, Viv! Hope you and Don will have happy ending of this year and a Great 2024. //B
Merry Christmas!!
Thanks Ron! Hope you have a Great 2024!
Thank you so much. We spent it with our identical twin 4 year old granddaughters. My hearing survived over 3 decades of military jet engines & race car engines. I don’t think my hearing has recovered yet! What a beautiful pair of girls. Valery is turning out to be a girly girl, like her grandmother. She likes fancy clothes and is already practicing her makeup skills on her dolls & self. Where Vivian is literally our son in a female body. She will do the things that Val does, but she is very calculating & deliberate in everything.
Our son is a computer program architect, and is self taught. They both already have a desktop computer each. Our daughter-in-law has her doctorate in law. They are both borderline geniuses, so I can’t wait to see how the girls turn out. These girls started in a montasory (spelling?) school at 21 months.
Our son is Anglo, and my wife is Hispanic, so our son is chocolate milk. Our daughter-in-law is a first generation Taiwanese. By age 3 the girls were already speaking some English, Spanish & Mandarin Chinese. Over the years (46+), I’ve learned to decipher my wife’s conversations, when she is talking to another hispanic in Spanish. She will say something, switching back and for from English & Spanish, in the same sentence no less. These girls do it too, and throw in a little Chinese just for fun. Yeah, I haven’t figured that out yet. Heck, I’m still working on English. My birthday was Dec 28th. I got Happy Birthday in 3 languages, and they had a blast singing it. Probably because they were enjoying the puzzled look on my face lol.. Priceless!
Thanks Ron for coming here and commenting, and a Happy belated Birthday, or as we say in Swedish: Grattis på Födelsedagen!!
Thanks Berra! Very nicely done.
Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas. Here’s to a great 2024!
Thanks David! God Fortsättning på det Nya Året!